While some folks no longer make New Year’s resolutions, others get through the stress of year end by putting everything in the “I’m gonna change that after the holidays” basket. The month of January then becomes a placeholder for hope. Now that we’ve catapulted into the first week, that same hope can dissipate but a need for some kind of shift still remains. How do we get in touch with what is trying to emerge within ourselves without triggering the well-worn pattern of hope followed by disappointment? It goes back to asking powerful questions that move you into a clearer vantage point revealing what has momentum, where you might be at odds with yourself, and the core feeling of what you seek.

Here are a few questions to contemplate and take some time to journal on:

1) What’s working in my life? Why does it work?
2) What isn’t working? How does that make me feel?
3) What’s inviting me, right now?
4) What is the feeling I am seeking? (stick with emotion words here like: inspired, compassionate, calm, sexy)
5) What will my life look like if it generates the feelings listed in #4?
6) What is a natural first step or phase?

From studies across psychology, neuroscience and even spiritual practice, we know change happens best when there is both clarity and emotional resonance. What helps a shift to happen and take hold is, 1) when you start with smaller chunks or steps and, 2) when you focus less on the thing (e.g. weight loss) you want but more the feeling (e.g. confident) you intend to experience.


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