The pace at which the world is changing has been profound. There have been tragedies alongside bold pushes for long-awaited social shifts. Consequently, so many of us have dropped into a deeper observation of how we live life, seeing underneath the veils of unconscious habits, unsustainable expectations and running every day in our own versions of the rat race. Instead of fighting the wars or battling through the days, it’s become a time to dig into the earth and discover the strength of our roots allowing our expression in the world to now stem from a more natural and aligned source from within.

Passing from summer to autumn, uncertainty remains, and our inner compass has become an even more vital instrument to consult. Some of my clients and colleagues have asked, how do I keep attuned? How do I not lose touch with what I’ve been learning or remembering about myself? Once consciousness is woken up, we want to stay aware as we come upon the next threshold of our evolution. In a few weeks, we’ll be starting an Anam Cara (Soul Friend) Circle to strengthen the idea of knowing yourself at the soul level. Integrating coaching tools with spiritual practices, we’ll focus on cultivating a conscious path for the present and what comes next. Here are the questions we will be exploring:

• What do I really want for myself?
• Where am I in alignment and where am I unconsciously denying my own fulfillment?
• How do I befriend my doubts and fears?
• What does my day-to-day life look/feel like when I embody my vision?

We still have a few more spots open. More info