As the tension of winter dissolves, the promise of bright blossoms returns and every hue of green pushes out from earthen roots to move skyward.   Spring unfurls slowly here in northern New England.  It’s as if it does not want us to miss any of its beauty, showing every stage of change.  Nature mirrors our inner landscape, where we feel the shift into renewal, regeneration, and resurrection.  This threshold gives us a chance to pause and check in. Here are 5 questions to allow yourself to feel into, for the season.  We invite you to breathe between each of your responses.

  • From the stillness of winter, what lessons or dreams want to come forward into this next phase of life?
  • Is there any letting go that needs to happen? Is there any grieving that is asking to be acknowledged?
  • What is trying to grow?
  • What does it need to blossom?
  • What will be different if this thrives?