Gratitude is an emotion that has the power to transform a moment, a day and when practiced with regularity, a life. But why is that? It’s just a feeling, right? While we can experience several feelings together, once true gratitude is cultivated it’s impossible for our nervous systems to hold emotions like worry, anger or hopelessness alongside of it. Thankful thoughts tend to beget more thankful thoughts and it is that process which opens our hearts and expands our awareness to higher planes.

A cross-section of multi-discipline studies show us what else gratitude can do for our minds, bodies and spirits, all year long. When gratitude is present in your awareness:

• Serotonin is boosted. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that creates the experience of well-being and calm
• Dopamine, another vital neurotransmitter is increased, enhancing pleasure and motivation
• The stress hormone cortisol is decreased. Less cortisol equals less tension in our thoughts and in the tissues of our bodies
• Inflammation is reduced
• Blood pressure is decreased
• Relationships are strengthened, as qualities like generosity and being present are heightened
• Positivity is enhanced and prosperous mindsets grow
• The meaningfulness in our lives becomes clearer

Research indicates that one of the best ways to grow your gratitude is to have a practice of writing down what and who you appreciate, naming the big and the small: a warm bed, a good belly laugh with a colleague, a loving family…You can also meditate, pray or simply have a conversation with yourself, listing what inspires your thankfulness. The vital component is to engage your gratitude on a daily, or near daily basis and let the joy emerge.