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Non-stop distractions, multiplying worries and the pressures of work and home magnify our tension and take away from our quality of life.  In contrast, the source of joy and full engagement with one’s life starts with being able to stay connected to the present moment.  Over the last few decades, mounting evidence has shown that mindfulness meditation can train the mind to find what it needs to thrive in the experience of being right here, right now.  As an ongoing practice, mindfulness also complements traditional medicine, holistic health and psychological treatments to calm the nervous system while reducing stress and negative thinking.

Join us in our online meditation space for a free introduction to mindfulness where you can learn the basics, “get your feet wet” and ask questions.

Thursday, September 6th, 7-7:45 pm

Registration required.  Register by emailing debleclair@fullspectrumwellness.com

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