A Mindful Practice for Anytime, Anywhere…Amidst the Holiday Season 

Take a moment to flow your attention to what is arising through your senses. Not only can it shift you into the present moment, but it may enhance your experience of the season afterward.  Connect with 1-2 senses as a way to hit the restart button or all 5 to cultivate a mindful moment.

  • Find an object on which to rest your eyes. Notice its textures, hues in color or shape. Allow time to visually explore.
  • Then close your eyes and take a full breath in through your nose. What scents do you notice—knowing that even ‘no smell’ has a scent.
  • Focus next on your tongue. As you breathe in through your mouth and the air flows over your tongue, what do you taste?  Running your tongue over your teeth and roof of your mouth, what tastes do you notice?
  • Keeping your eyes closed, what sounds come into your awareness? First, notice the layers then shift to taking in the single sound that most holds your attention.  Explore where its pitch falls from high and low, or become attuned to its rhythm.  Listen for qualities that emerge the more you pay attention and create space to hear.
  • Focus on one part of your body. The feet are a good place to connect to as they are grounding.  Notice how the bottom of your left foot feels encased in a sock or shoe or barefoot, against the rug.  As an alternative, you can notice the temperature of the air flowing over the skin of your hands.

To help bolster the power of the practice, put aside a few minutes at the same time each day and see what happens as you practice connecting with the senses over the season.